Our challenge
Why it’s important
Because 65% of women who have experienced violence, or are currently experiencing violence, are in the workforce. That is approximately 800,000 women, or around one in six female workers.*
In 2018, the cost of workplace sexual harassment to people harassed was $523.6 million. In 2018, individuals who were harassed spent $103.5 million in accessing the health and justice systems. +
The percentage of respondents who reported experiencing DFV said the violence had affected their ability to get to work. **
The percentage of sexual harassment victims felt a decrease in job satisfaction. #
The percentage of people impacted by sexual harassment thought their organisation should be doing more to prevent and address sexual harassment. #
Billion dollars – the current estimated cost of DFV on the Australian economy each year. ++
*Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
**Source: 2011 National Domestic Violence and the Workplace Survey
++The economic case for preventing violence against women PWC 2015
# Source: Time for respect: Fifth national survey on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces, AHRC 2022
+ Source: The economic costs of sexual harassment in the workplace. March 2019. Deloitte Access Economics Pty Ltd
Creating a safe haven
By promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity through DFV and sexual harassment prevention training, a workplace can foster positive employee relationships, enhance team morale, and improve overall workplace dynamics, leading to increased employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity.
We are here to equip organisations with the skills, knowledge and resources so your organisation can create a safe, compliant, and respectful workplace that promotes the well-being and success of all employees.

A lifeline
Whilst the experience of DFV can often have impacts on an individual’s employment including absenteeism, increased anxiety and reduced performance, dismissal can have severe impacts. This is why it is critical that workplaces can act as a lifeline and are equipped to not only identify victims of DFV, but support them on their journey beyond DFV. In 2011, 45% Women surveyed who experienced DFV discussed the violence and abuse with someone at work.
In the last 5 years, 41% of people witnessed or heard about the sexual harassment of another person. Just over a third of those people took action to prevent or reduce harm. The majority of people 61% who took action after witnessing or hearing about workplace sexual harassment said that the harassment stopped as a result.
WorkHaven and you
WorkHaven understands that each organisation is unique. We will work with you to ensure we create a holistic support system which facilitates the evolution of an authentic culture of openness and caring, that empowers your employees to support victims, takes meaningful action in the stand against DFV and sexual harassment and enables victims to make a successful transition to survivor.

Ready to support your team?
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work and recognise their continued custodianship and connection to the land, waters and community.

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